: a url of power and fun

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I wrote a story based on the one by Jamaica Kincaid for English class. I loved it so much I decided to post it here!

            Don’t read books, they damage your eyesight; don’t drink hot tea with cold fruit, they hurt your belly; don’t disrupt your sleeping habits, it’s unhealthy, you know; keep promises, it’s polite; always say “thank you”, “ you’re welcome”, and “good morning”, “good afternoon”, and “good night”; drink a glass of water in the morning; take the stairs whenever you can; this is how to have a whole conversation about nothing; this is how to have some talk about something; this is how to wish you could have a conversation but pretend it doesn’t affect you; I expect that you will play the piano; I expect you will learn your other language; I still expect that you will play the piano and learn your other language; do your work; study before all assessments; if you did poorly it meant you didn’t do your work; if you did poorly it meant you didn’t study; this is how you sow; this is how you crochet; but you never did teach me how to crochet, it was my friend; and I expect you to learn how to cook; help your elders; help your teachers; help your mother; don’t help your friends; you shouldn’t leave work to the last minute, daughter, haven’t you been punished enough?


  1. I'd be very intrested in taking part of Blog For Joy. Just let me know what to do. -Abbie.


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