Spread the word, Blog for Joy! It's my dream - everyone's dream here - to have more contributers and followers than we could have thought possible. Copy and paste this into a javascript gadget of your blog/site:
<div align="center"> <a href="http://blogforjoy.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img alt="BlogForJoy" src="http://i.imgur.com/OirR7.png "//></a> </div> <div align="center"> <form><textarea rows="6" cols="20"><center><a href="http://blogforjoy.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img alt="BlogForJoy" src="http://i.imgur.com/OirR7.png"/></a></center></textarea></form> </div>
It will show up as this beautiful image, created by {You}topia.