: a url of power and fun

This is a site made by teens for teens. Here we’ll showcase our talents and experiences, and leave you jumping for joy along the way (no pun intended). If you’re considering starting blogging, consider joining us (see “Become a member”.) To learn more browse through our pages. But now, get ready to have a happy time!

About This Blog

Blog for Joy is a unique combination of the talents and dreams of teenagers just like you. Our biggest motivation is passion and the hope that we can change someone's life, even just a little.

Spread the word, Blog for Joy! It's my dream - everyone's dream here - to have more contributers and followers than we could have thought possible. Copy and paste this into a javascript gadget of your blog/site:
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It will show up as this beautiful image, created by {You}topia.
But now... get ready to be inspired and moved by our combined insights!

Blog for Joy's Awards:

Blog for Joy's Lovely Followers

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