: a url of power and fun

This is a site made by teens for teens. Here we’ll showcase our talents and experiences, and leave you jumping for joy along the way (no pun intended). If you’re considering starting blogging, consider joining us (see “Become a member”.) To learn more browse through our pages. But now, get ready to have a happy time!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

New Blog!

So, I figured that it has been a long time since I've last posted...which was about my poetry obsession. Well, this one, in contrast, will be short and sweet. May I introduce you to my new, personal blog? No.


Please note that this is my personal blog in which I express myself. If you don't agree with me in what I say there, that's fine. It really is. But please, let's keep this polite civility, m'kay? xP

And again, MaidenStar, signing out--until next time! ^^


Criticism is appreciated. Rudeness is not.

Blog for Joy's Lovely Followers

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